Patient Consent Form
Welcome to Rebaone Renal Nursing Clinic
To enable ongoing care and total quality improvement within this practice and in keeping with the Botswana Data Protection Act, we wish to provide you with sufficient information on how your personal health information may be used or disclosed and record your consent or restrictions to this consent.
Your personal health information will only be used for the purposes for which it is collected, or as otherwise permitted by law and we respect your right to determine how your personal health information is used or disclosed.
The information we collect may be collected by a number of different methods and examples may include medical test results, notes from consultations, Medicare and health insurance details, data collected from observations and conversations with you, and details obtained from other health care providers (e.g. specialist correspondence). By signing below you (as a patient/guardian) are consenting that on obtaining your personal health information it may be used or disclosed by the practice for the following purposes:
- Follow up reminder/recall notices for treatment and preventative healthcare
- For accounting procedure and the collection of professional fees
- The diagnosis and treatment of any health condition, including the
communication of relevant information only to practice staff, specialist and
other healthcare providers to ensure quality care is provided - Accreditation and Quality Assurance activities are conducted by
professionally trained non-treating GPs and other professionally trained and
qualified persons eg Practice Managers - For legal related disclosure as required by a court of law
- For the purposes of research only where de-identified information is used
- To allow medical students and staff to participate in medical training/teaching
using only de-identified information - For disease notification as required by law
- For use when seeking treatment by other doctors in this practice
At all times we are required to ensure your details are treated with the utmost confidentiality. Your records are very important and we will take all steps necessary to ensure they remain confidential.